10 steps to become confident in 0 days

Manikanta Belde
3 min readFeb 21, 2020

“Confidence is an inner quality that every human being possesses naturally, and the only flaw is you don’t realize it and therefore forgets it for a temporary time and remember it again.”

When confidence is already in you, how can you lose it or gain it. The only problem is you forgot about it. This article helps you remember your confidence longer, and the steps teach you how to stay confident without losing it often.

Step 1: Leave Negative thoughts and negative people: You become what you consume and whom you stay with. You may feel you won’t get affected by people and thoughts. You may believe you can handle them easily. Your belief isn’t true. Your mind keeps taking in whatever happens around you. One day you will become negative minded and forgot your confidence. Therefore, you need to keep your negative thoughts away, and people who are negative minded.

Step 2: Be Consistent: Whatever goal it maybe you are working on. Be consistent every day and one day you get success. If you cannot be consistent, you cannot succeed. Remember this and always stay consistent. This was you succeed and stay confident longer.

Step 3: Kill expectations: Expectations are bad. They are worse when they are based on others. Don’t rely too much on anyone. Don’t be so confident because of others. Be confident because of self. Stop expecting too much and keep working on your goals and dreams. This way you will never obliterate your confidence.

Step 4: Ignore judgment: One of the top reasons you suffer a lack of confidence is you care judgment of others. You care what others think. This way you do things in life and try to impress others and mostly end up living a miserable life. You forgot your confidence and live an inferior life.

Step 5: Stop comparing: This is one more habit of a bad mindset. You shouldn’t compare yourself with anyone. You need to remember you are unique. Nobody can be you. You need to stop comparing with others as it’s like an insulting self. You need to believe that you are always special and unique, and this helps you stay confident all the time.

Step 6: Consume positivity: Take only positive thoughts into your mind and leave the negativity. Consume what’s good for the mind and what keeps mind active and healthy. This way you stay positive all the time and therefore can never forget your self-confidence.

Step 7: Learn skills: Skills are part of a better life. The more skills you gain, the more confident you can be. Learn all the necessary skills that can improve your life. This helps you stay inspired and gives you a boost to your confidence.

Step 8: Read every day: You need to understand that reading helps you stay ahead. Whether or not you like it, read something good and inspirational every day. Once this becomes a habit, you will understand the importance of reading in your life. Reading helps you understand and experience other’s life. You become wise and confident than anyone.

Step 9: Accept rejection and failures: Rejection is part of life and failures are part of life. Accept this truth and move ahead, learning lessons from failures and Rejection. This way you will never feel sad for your failures and you stay stable and confident.

Step 10: Kill self-doubt and fears: Self-doubt is poison. Fears kill your dreams. Both are evil. You need to kill them. You need to kill self-doubt by doing what’s impossible for you. You kill fears by pursuing them. Once you overcome your self-doubt and fears, you can become confident and stay that way longer.

These steps help you stay confident longer, and it’s forever once you master them. Always stay in control and let situations not control you and you control situations. This way you will never obliterate your confidence.



Manikanta Belde
Manikanta Belde

Written by Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.

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