7 myths about Corona Virus.
“The trending topic and the biggest problem to the whole problem is the coronavirus that’s affecting the entire world. There are myths that are moving around and you need to debunk them for your own safety.”
Myth #1.
“The virus dies in a hot and humid climate.”
According to WHO recent news, the virus can spread in all kinds of climatic conditions. Even if the climate is hot, the virus can spread easily. The best way to prevent the spreading of the virus is to wash hands regularly and stop touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with uncleaned hands.
Myth #2.
“The virus cannot spread in cold weather conditions.”
External temperature is not important for the corona virus. The human body always maintains a temperature of about 36 — 37 degrees. Therefore, the virus can spread easily and keep yourself clean from time to time.
“Prevention is better than cure.”
Myth #3.
“Sanitizers can kill the virus. It’s not true for all sanitizers.”
Use an alcohol-based hand wash to kill the virus on your hands. Be careful while buying sanitizers that are alcohol-free as they don’t work. It’s a waste of your money to buy sanitizers in a hurry.
Myth #4.
“Wearing masks will prevent the spread of disease.”
Not all masks work well. The surgical masks cheap in quality are useless. Don’t buy them and remember that you need not wear masks compulsorily all the time. Wear masks if you are affected by the virus. Otherwise don’t wear them.
If you travel in groups, then wearing a good quality mask is advised. When you are alone, don’t wear it. Mostly avoid direct contact with people and maintain distance.
Myth #5.
“Spraying Alcohol or chlorine kill the virus.”
It’s false that spraying alcohol or chlorine kills the coronavirus. This may lead to skin infections. So stop spraying alcohol or chlorine. Use the regular soaps to clean your hands and keep your surroundings clean.
Myth #6.
“Mosquitoes spread the corona virus.”
Even though mosquitoes are carriers of several infective organisms. Mosquitoes don’t carry the coronavirus and therefore don’t spread it. Therefore, you need not worry about mosquitoes and scared of them in spread of the coronavirus.
Myth #7.
“Antibiotics kills the coronavirus.”
Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria, not viruses. Corona virus can survive all antibiotics. The effect of any antibiotic on the virus is negligible. Therefore, take all the precautions to stay safe.
These are the most common myths that are moving around, and there are many more myths. WHO site is updating all of them and helping people have correct knowledge of the virus. Use this link to see more myths believed by people.
Learn more about the coronavirus from only trusted sources and take necessary precautions and stay safe.