Manikanta Belde
4 min readFeb 8, 2020


7 reasons why you must travel alone.

“Travelling is not about moving from place to place for having fun. It’s about exploring the self in different environments and becoming self-aware of what you really are.”

People travel for different reasons. Some travel to escape life, which isn’t possible. Some travel to find life. Some travel for fun. Some travel to show off the world that they are successful, which is fake. Some people travel as a hobby. But very few travel to explore themselves and become better and these people travel alone most of the time as they know the power of solitude very well.

Traveling is not only fun but also difficult, especially traveling alone. It is scary too. Being in new places, meeting new people, exploring unknown parts of the world isn’t easy. You need the courage to travel alone or you will gain courage once you start traveling alone. Anyway, it’s useful to you. Traveling alone is an adventure.

There are several reasons you need to travel alone.

  1. Self-reliance: When you travel alone, Nobody will help you. You are on your own. You learn to do things on your own. You ask for help. You ask for directions. You do all the things on your own. This way self-dependency becomes your habit. The more you travel alone, the more you turn into self-reliant and therefore turn into a powerful person.

“The Man Who Goes Alone Can Start Today, But He Who Travels With Another Must Wait Till That Other Is Ready.” — Henry David Thoreau.

2. Self-awareness: Travelling not only helps you explore the external world. It also helps you explore the inner you. You don’t know completely about yourself but traveling alone helps you understand yourself better in no time. You will be surprised to know you really are. You become self-aware and this way you become self-confident and brave at taking any risks and decisions in life.

“Travel…The Best Way To Be Lost And Found At The Same Time.” — Brenna Smith.

3. Heals your soul: We are all suffering in some way or another way. You can’t escape the pain but you can control the pain so that it doesn’t affect your soul. Traveling helps your soul to gain strength and therefore it becomes unshakable and can withstand any amount of pain and helps you heal your own soul more effectively in no time.

“Half Of The Fun Of Travel Is The Aesthetic Of Lostness.” — Ray Bradbury

4. Anonymous life: How would it feel, living an incognito life? Nobody knows about you. Nobody cares what you do. Nobody judges you. You are just yourself. You are not what you do. You are not what society says you are. You are not what your family and friends tell; you are. You are just you living your own life. This way you enjoy the freedom that knew no restrictions. This way you enjoy the freedom that’s absolutely real.

“Travel Far Enough, You Meet Yourself.” — David Mitchell.

5. Refrain from routine: Nobody likes a routine boring life. Everyone wants to take a break from regular life. A regular life comprises the same job, same people and same environments. If you travel alone, you get away from all regular components of your life and meet something new. This way you can refrain yourself from a routine and boring life. This helps you become energetic and lead an interesting life.

“Travel Doesn’t Become Adventure Until You Leave Yourself Behind.” — Marty Rubin.

6. Frees you from judgement and comfort:

The people you know judge you and the people who don’t you also judge you. If you live all your life based on everybody’s judgment, you will end up living a horrible life. When you are in regular environments and with regular people you know, you cannot escape this dilemma. You will be always caring about others' opinions and judgment and act as a slave to thoughts.

Traveling solo helps you free your mind from such a dilemma and helps you get comfortable with the right mindset that’s so inspiring and we’ll organize. You get free from what others think about you as in solo traveling; you don’t feel shy to do any work and your comfort is your enemy. Solo traveling will make you uncomfortable and allows you to become adventurous and takes risks.

“Traveling Allows You To Become So Many Different Versions Of Yourself.” — Anonymous

7. Gain spiritual wealth: Peace is spiritual wealth, and this is permanent wealth that one can gain. One who travels with many gain happiness that’s temporary.

While one who travels alone peace which is permanent and more necessary than temporary happiness.

When you travel with many, you understand the outer world. When you travel alone, you understand your inner world. — MB



Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.