Are you following dumb people?
“You want to become happy and wise. But the problem is you follow dumb people by getting impressed with their foolishness and courage. Such following and belief in dumb people will always make you sad and ignorant.”
You become whom you follow. You become with whom you spend more time. You become what your thoughts make you. You need to stop following anyone blindly. You have to believe in you more than somebody else.
You need to spend time with the right people. Your time is more valuable than anything. Once you lose time that you spent on others, you will never get it back.
Let me tell you an instance. I was travelling on a train and I saw that the train is completely full and there are no vacant seats. In the next station, an old lady got into the train and standing like everyone.
There is a young man sitting near the seat where this old lady is standing. What would you think? You would think that man should give her the seat and he should stand, which shows that he is respectful to the old woman and you may feel it's a duty of any human.
Some guy in the coach thought the same as you and asked the young man to get up and give her his seat. The young man didn't reply at all. He silently sat without responding, and this may be rude.
Now suddenly everybody near him started yelling at the young man to give the seat to the old lady. Even the old lady started shouting at him. He was still silent and didn't respond. Now someone from the back came forward and picked up the young man from the seat and the young man fell there.
Now that man left the young man on the floor and moved away and even the old woman and other people who are shouting left aside and faced the other side of that young man. What would have happened suddenly?
The young man who fell is deaf, and he is handicapped. His legs are covered with a cloth when he sat. But when everyone saw that when he fell. They didn't help him. Instead, they left silently, which shows their dumbness.
Some dumb guy started this nonsense and now the guy who is already suffering because his disability has to suffer the foolishness and rudeness of others.
Not even one person who shouted at him said sorry for him. All were silent. These people commit several mistakes in their everyday life. But they never correct them. That's how they got habituated.
One dumb person started the whole drama, and they followed him, trying to prove themselves as good even though the truth is different. Remember that these dumb people don’t want to change the world. They want to show off themselves as good and they try to build authority.
Even in this modern world, there is a lot of noise from many dumb people. You call many of them by name influencers or something. It’s true that they are influencers but not inspirational leaders.
“You can’t change anyone’s life by influencing them. You change them by inspiring them.” Influencers gain success so fast, but inspirational leaders don’t gain the success that easily.
You shouldn't force or influence someone to be right. They should learn and feel that they should live a rightful life. Kindness can’t be taught forcibly. It’s a natural feeling that has to rise in the heart of people.
Even you really want to make a difference in this world. Stop following dumb people.
Stop influencing others and start inspiring others by your actions rather than words.