Ego and Self-respect look alike.

Manikanta Belde
2 min readMar 19, 2020

“Salt and sugar look alike, but they taste different. The same way most humans perceive ego and self-respect as the same, but they vary so much.”

When you look at the above graph, you can find it clear that both bar diagrams represent ego and self-respect and the patterns look the same. However, if you observe closely, they are different. The growth of mindset depends on how you perceive this self-respect and ego. If you can understand the difference between these two, it becomes easy to grow easily and build a strong mindset.

“Self respect builds you and the false ego destroys you.”

People may tell you are egoistic when you are right. But don’t care about them as they don’t know the difference and therefore they are ignorant. When you are right and doing right, then your self-respect grows at a rapid rate and it, in turn, builds you into a better person.

On the other hand, when you think you are right and if you think you alone are right, that’s ego, and it mostly makes you commit wrong and therefore makes you a bad person. When the ego is acting on you in an against way. You must learn to control and defend it in life.

You already may have experienced so many instances in your life where people judged you as egoistic. Ask yourself whether it’s true. If yes, then change your way. If not, move on with the same mindset.

self-respect says what is right and Ego says I am right and once you understand this, you will see life from a very different approach.

Self-respect is everything, and Ego is nothing.

Therefore, understand the difference and live a life that’s full of energy and wisdom.



Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.