Get rid of the Happiness goal for good.
“Happiness is no more real and this complex world has made it impossible to understand what is real happiness and therefore it’s an illusion that you should get rid of.”
Happiness became very temporary. Many live their lives to become happy but ending up with sadness. Happiness goal is no more a goal at all in this complex world. Every person argues that happiness is what we work for and believe me the line of happiness is always zigzag and never linear.
With the happiness goal, you will become anxious and suffer. With this goal, you become less happy and sometimes end up sad. The happiness you get is temporary and many don’t realize it. Happiness is different for different people as their happiness is the reflection of their desires.
“Human struggles all their lives to find happiness and struggling continuous forever but human never gains happiness forever.” — MB
You need to realize happiness is not a goal to set and achieve. It’s the way of living. You can be happy all the time if you choose to. The only condition is not to stick your happiness to materialistic things. This complex world has a million things that make you happy, which is temporary. This lifetime isn’t enough to gain all those million things, and therefore how can someone be happy forever.
Hedonic adaptation makes a human return to their normal emotional state all the time. This way your happiness is always temporary. The happiness goal makes you walk in the path of illusion. If I ask you to remember all your happy moments in life, you would feel good but the feeling of good is not the same as the time you pursued happiness in the past. This tells that happiness isn’t a goal. It’s a process that runs in the human mind. In the process of achieving the happiness goal, many people end up with anxiety and stress which is terrible.
When you are happy, there are two hormones released in your body. One is Dopamine, and another is Oxytocin. They make you feel good and they are also temporary. This way you can never achieve happiness permanently. You can only enjoy temporary happiness.
Your body is designed this way but feeling good is always possible even though you can’t have happiness forever. Your mindset is a great asset for feeling good. You feel good when you help someone. You feel good when you are kind to yourself and others. This helps you gain peace, and that helps you stay calm in all the situations and this in turn helps you feel good all the time.
“When you have to choose between happiness and peace, choose peace. Peace is a permanent feeling.” — MB
Therefore, choose to stay calm all the time in most of the situations and this helps you gain mental stability and attain peace.
Attaining peace is the ultimate goal of human life. Most people attain this with their death, but if you attain it when you are alive, you would enjoy living in a better way.