Manikanta Belde
4 min readMay 1, 2020


How school fails the most beautiful minds?

“School is a place where you go to learn and grow your knowledge and use it in the future. But most knowledge is outdated when you have to use your knowledge in authentic life, which fails the education system.”

You spend about 30–40% of your life in education and if this becomes waste for you. You lost the valuable life you have been given. There is no end for education. You can study forever if you want to.

Education isn’t meant to work for every person. If you look at people who are great, they all skipped or gave up education at some point in their lives to do something great. I don’t tell you to give up too if it is working for you. If it’s not working, then you have to deal with something else in your life.

Everyone can’t be good at one thing and you must realize it. If someone is wonderful at memorizing things, which is important in the education system. Some others may be good at executing things. Some are good at mind work and some are good at physical work.

What if you expect a donkey to run like a horse and what if you expect a horse to work like a donkey? It’s not possible. These expectations force the horse and donkey to work like one another and your expectations fail, which makes you sad.

Everyone has their own way of thinking. You can’t make everyone the same. But the education system is trying to do so, and this is how the system fails and it fails beautiful minds and makes them work wrongly.

Education means bringing up your talents out, but it's about learning to memorize and present what you learned in the education system, which is why many people hate education.

Human minds are beautiful. Remember when you are a child. You lived your life happily with a lot of freedom. You lived truly and enjoyed everything without calculating anything much. But as you grew up you are conditioned to follow rules and systems which are fixed and are not meant for everyone.

“You were born wild but systems tamed you into a person who you weren’t and who you shouldn’t be.”

Education and schooling taught you the wrong ways most of your life. It taught you to memorize things and told you to forget about your dreams. It taught you to have big dreams and told you what your dream should be, which makes it not your dream at all.

It taught you to solve problems in different educational subjects and forgot to teach you how to solve your problems in life. It taught you to think big and limit your thoughts to what’s only possible. It taught you several scientific methods and forgot about the morals and values that help you stand strong.

It taught you about comfort and advised you not to take any risks. But they forgot that taking risks is the way to gain greatness in life. You always dreamt of comfort in your life that is taught to you since childhood and believing this you never took risks to reach your goals and dreams.

It taught you not to do mistakes, and this limits your creativity. Making mistakes motivates you to try new things, which is very important for creativity.

This education replaced your creativity with the monotony that makes living boring. You are taught to limit your thinking. You crippled your thoughts, which is painful. You gave up your creative thinking that could build new things and solve many problems in your life and in this world.

Life and education are two opposite things. Education teaches you lessons first and tests you later, but Life tests you first and gives you lessons later.

One more problem with education is, it teaches things that can’t be applied in real-time. There is more outdated knowledge than the updated one. Human life isn’t just about memorizing and doing monotonous work. There are some outstanding things human minds can do. They are so powerful machines that can do amazing things and if you don’t use them well; you are wasting them.

Instead of limiting your minds with rules and regulations of this education system, you need to use your mind to the fullest. You need to learn skills that will really help you in jobs, businesses, relationships, and life.

You should learn about dealing with your problems, anxiety, worry, and situations. You should learn more from your experiences and failures. You should learn to live well and peacefully. You should learn to take risks. You should learn to apply your knowledge in your practical life.

Don’t waste your life, limiting yourself to comfort, false beliefs, and advice given by people who didn’t do much in their lives in the first place. This life is so short. Live it to the fullest. Experiment with several things and don’t panic to try unfamiliar things. Learn from your mistakes and failures and grow into a wise person instead of limiting your capabilities. Learn morals and values that keep you in happy.

All this time, you were taught that you shouldn’t fly as it may be risky but what’s the value of having wings if you don’t fly high. The sad part is you forgot that you have wings and you can fly so high and have an original life. Kill all your false beliefs and limits taught to you and realize now about what outstanding things you can do and fly high majestically.



Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.