How to find the purpose of your life?
“Many say that you should have a purpose. They tell you to find your purpose. Finding your purpose makes life easy. Finding purpose is difficult for many. But who are successful in finding their purpose already met simplicity in their lives.”
Have you found your purpose? Are you still trying to find your purpose? Are you wasting time finding your purpose? What is purpose actually?
Who already found your purpose in life. Congratulations. There are many who are still struggling to find their purpose in life. Having a purpose makes your life simple. But many don’t accept their purpose, even though they found it because of fear. Your purpose may be just cleaning. It’s alright if you enjoy the work and importantly if you feel you are contributing something to this world and making a difference.
Most people find their purposes in unexpected ways. Even if you look at people who became great found their purpose or passion of their lives in unexpected ways and situations.
Finding purpose artificially may fail you. I hope you have come across several methods from books, the internet or people. But all these methods are vain if they are forcing you to find your passion or purpose artificially. Maybe some methods worked for you, but they don’t work for the most.
Your passion or purpose need not be so big. It must satisfy you. It must make you happy all your life. If you imagine doing what you are doing right now after 20 or 30 years. If this makes you happy then keep doing it instead of worrying about finding your purpose or passion in your life.
Everyone doesn’t need a purpose to live. There are people who enjoy what they do, and that becomes their purpose and passion for their life. These people need not waste time finding purpose or passion.
There are people who are not satisfied with their work and life they are living and they feel they are missing something in their lives and these people have to find something that makes them feel alright and happy.
The purpose or passion doesn’t depend on money and therefore who are connecting their purpose or passion with money should stop it. I hope you know people who are rich but aren’t happy and I hope even you know who are poor but they are happy.
Happiness lies in the way we think and live in our lives. Money is a necessity, but it can’t give you everything in life. There are things that money can’t buy and are more valuable. If your purpose or passion is linked with money, it’s hard to get fulfillment in life.
You may make more money, but you can’t make more fulfillment. This is the reason you need to find whether you are enjoying what you are doing in your life.
How much you may try? You may fail to find your purpose in life. The truth is the purpose or passion finds us. We only need to keep looking for it by keeping our existing jobs or businesses. Don’t give up your work you are doing for searching for passion or purpose.
Sometimes your work may help you meet your purpose or passion. There are people who found their purpose this way. Don’t be scared to accept your purpose or passion even though it’s small. Don’t worry about others. Your happiness is more important in your life than others opinions and judgments.
The truth is, no one is good at their passion or purpose in life. After they found what they love, they worked on themselves to improve at what they love and that’s how they became successful in life.
If you are loving what you do, then learn to do it better every day. This is your passion or purpose. Make sure you will be happy with this work till the end of your life. If you are not enjoying the work, then find what you love. If you know it, change your job or else keep doing what you are doing and continue your search for what you love.
Tips to find your purpose:
Don’t stick to one thing. Keep doing several things and experiment. You may be enjoying one thing more from all of this and check whether it’s your passion.
Don’t stick your passion or purpose with money. Stick it with permanent happiness that will be forever in your life.
Check with your interests. If you have interests, find out what you love the most and this could be your purpose or passion.
Don’t waste time worrying about finding purpose. Learn to live and enjoy this moment and let your passion or purpose find you.