On Truth. Be cautious.
“Truth is bitter and speaking the truth makes you enemies, brings you new problems, suffers you in several ways and if you still speak the truth, you deserve huge respect and applause.”
Truth is something that keeps our spirit alive. Speaking truth may scare you, but once spoken, you get so much of relief. Your teachers, parents, and society taught you to speak the truth since your childhood. But why people still speak lies?
The reason behind why many people speak lies and feel fake comfort is, they learned it from their parents, teachers, and family. Isn’t this so strange?
The people who taught us right are not right, and from their actions, they are teaching the opposite of what is being taught in words. They teach us to be ethical and follow morals. But it’s very sad that they don’t follow them in their lives, which makes their teachings useless.
The reason they don’t follow what they teach is they are scared. They fear speaking truth and the problems that bring into one’s life. But the truth is powerful, and speaking truth is rightful.
The reasons people don’t speak the truth are:
- They are scared of judgment from people.
- They think they may grow enemies.
- They think their truth may hurt others.
- Fear of losing something.
- The list goes on as people have their own reasons.
But whatever your reason may be. Speaking lies make you suffer inside forever. You can’t escape that guiltiness. This guiltiness haunts you until your death. Just remember the last time you lied to someone and did you feel good? No, right? Deep inside you felt bad but you spoke because of your fear or you thought you don’t have a choice.
This way now people are getting comfortable speaking lies and that’s becoming an unbreakable habit that burns your soul and makes you guilty forever.
Speak the truth and see how you feel? Initially, you may not feel good before speaking. Once you spoke, you would feel so relief and you won’t have any guilty feeling and you will be proud of yourself for doing the right thing.
“Speaking the truth gives you freedom and speaking the lie makes you a slave.”
You choose what you want. If you want to be free forever, speak the truth and if you want to be a slave, speak lies. You may gain enemies and problems in your life by speaking the truth. But at the same time, you gain respect and peace, which are more important for a fulfilled life.