The 7 Pillars Of A Strong Relationship

Manikanta Belde
9 min readMar 7, 2022

What constitutes a healthy relationship? Is it just about love and romance? What about arguments and dealing with problems that arise in the process of getting to know one another over time? These are just some of the questions that we consider when we talk about relationships.
Throughout our lives, we experience many types of relationships, from those with our parents, friends, and colleagues to those with our significant others.

The 7 pillars that we are going to discuss here today will help you have a healthy and strong relationship that produces unlimited happiness and peace in your life. The 7 pillars of any strong relationship are: Trust, Understanding, Time, Forgiveness, Compromise, Love, and Communication.


Trust is an important factor in any relationship. Without it, the relationship is likely to fail. There are many types of trust that help to define any given relationship. These include trust between friends, family members, romantic partners, coworkers, strangers, and so on.

Some ways to build trust in a relationship are by being honest with your partner about their feelings and intentions, allowing them to take responsibility for their actions, and encouraging both parties to express their emotions.

If anyone of the partners is not honest, then the relationship will fail for sure, as it’s very weak without the primary pillar, trust. So never cheat or never get cheated. Always be honest and be open while sharing your feelings and thoughts.

Trust is like fuel for a car (relationship). If there is no fuel, it’s hard and impossible to run the car. Likewise, relationships are hard to move forward without trust.

Have trust but not blind trust. Trust fewer in life and trust little at the beginning of a relationship. Let your trust grow slowly upon a person. Trust is greater than love because love’s basis is trust.


Take some time and ask all the questions you have, to your partner or share all your secrets with each other without hiding even a small secret.

If you can’t talk about all your secrets, then write all of them on paper and share them. This helps you become free from doubt and misunderstanding and helps you build or rebuild the trust that in turn helps your relationship become so strong.


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Understanding in Relationships is One of the most rewarding parts of a relationship is when you find someone that understands you. They know what you're talking about, they know when to give you space and when to comfort you, and they make it easy for you to confide in them. But how do we get this understanding in the first place? Sometimes it's natural, like when two people with similar backgrounds or experiences connect instantly. Other times, it's not so easy.

It is important to understand the feelings of others in order to get along with them. It is often difficult to get an accurate understanding of another person’s thoughts and feelings, but it is possible through subtle observation, asking questions, and listening more. One way that people can get along better is by avoiding topics that are likely to cause disagreement.

If you need to know how to cook a tasty recipe, you need to understand what components you add are important to the recipe. In the same way, to run a healthy relationship, it’s very important to understand how relationships work and what important things to keep in mind while in a relationship.

Understanding helps you free yourself from doubt and irregularities. The better you understand something, the more you will have clarity about something. When you understand each other really well, your bond becomes so strong.

Find out everything about your partner. Find their favorite food, color, place, movie, etc.

Find out every possible thing about them. Their behavior, secrets, anger, and every other feeling. This helps you get to know each other and build a strong relationship.


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Time in relationships is a complicated thing. It can be the most amazing aspect of your days together, or it can be the worst. It’s all about how you spend this time, and who you spend it with, that determines what type of time you have. For some people, there are just not enough hours in the day to spend with their significant others And for others, time stretches on forever!
We are conditioned to spend quality time with our loved ones, yet how much time is enough? What is the threshold for too little or too much?

Relationships are ever-changing and evolving. So are expectations for how long it takes to be present with someone. Society seems to have a constant pressure to invest more and more time in relationships, but often neglects basic needs like sleep, exercise, and food.

You buy your favorite food to eat every day, but you have no time to eat it. Would this give you happiness? No. You can’t eat all the food you bought for many days in one day because it gets spoiled. In the same way, start spending some quality time with your loved ones every day. It may be just a few minutes or hours. Spend it.


Giving your time to your loved ones is very important. This shows that they are your priority. Spend time whenever possible to have a meaningful relationship.


Spare a few minutes every day and ask how the day is?

Go and visit some good places during vacation and during your life’s significant events.


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Forgiveness is a necessary part of any healthy relationship. There are many reasons that forgiveness might be needed, but the two most common are forgiveness for hurting someone and forgiveness for being hurt by someone else. Forgiveness can be difficult, but it’s worth it because it helps to rebuild trust.
A common struggle within relationships is forgiving each other after mistakes are made. We all make mistakes, and it’s difficult to forgive another person if you think that they should be punished for what they’ve done. It can’t be forgotten, but it does need to be forgiven for the relationship to move forward.

If your computer ran into a problem, you would not throw it away in anger. You will try to fix it, or you will take the help of someone to fix it. In the same way, mistakes are very common among people. If you see only mistakes and decide to end a relationship, it’s absolute foolishness. You need to forgive them and find a fix to maintain and move forward in your relationship.

Forgiveness is a kind act. When you forgive, you grow mentally. It’s a symbol of maturity. Forgiveness frees you from grudges and hatred which haunt your peace. So learn to forgive, especially in relationships, if you want to make the relationship strong.


For a week, control your temper and forgive everything that disturbs you.

See how it feels and try this often for a few months.

Mostly, you will feel better and more peaceful. This activity helps you have more self-control.


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a partner who agreed with everything you said and did, never disagreed with your opinion, and was always happy? In reality, this is not possible. The good news is that compromise pays off! When you decide to let go of your need to have things your way, relationships can improve. This means being willing to give up what you want for the sake of the other person’s needs.

Compromise with useful and good things with your partner. Don’t compromise if your partner is toxic. It’s better to be alone than being in a toxic relationship.

What if you got just one chocolate, and you bought it to eat it, but your child saw it and asked you to give it. Would you give it to him, or would you eat it for yourself? You would surely give it to him. Would this make you sad? No, you would be happier. In the same way, when you compromise in rightful manner any relationship, it gives you great happiness.

Compromise when necessary in relationships. It makes bonds strong, and it helps you learn the importance of sacrifice for important things in life.


Buy your favorite food or things and share them with your loved ones or others and see how it feels. See the extent of happiness. Surely there will be more happiness in you as this activity teaches you to become unselfish.


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We all know how relationships can be difficult, but at the same time, they are worth it. A relationship is not just about learning to communicate better with your partner, it’s about learning to love unconditionally without expecting anything in return. Partners should aim to make each other feel loved, supported, and valued.

Love in relationships is like sunshine. It is one of the most important pillars that help keep a relationship stable, just as sunlight plays an essential role in keeping the Earth’s ecosystem alive.

Love unconditionally and that’s what pure love is. If you have conditions to love, don’t love, because it becomes business, not love.

Say I love you every day in the morning or give a compliment for something. Show your gratitude.

Get flowers or gifts on every significant occasion and whenever possible.

Give them some great experiences.

Do these things because of unconditional love every day. These small acts every day make the other person feel so significant and add a lot of value to you and your partner, making the bond stronger.


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Communication is the key to a successful relationship. When people are in a relationship, they often have trouble communicating with each other because of how their personalities clash. However, when these two people communicate on both ends of the spectrum they can find a common ground and really see what is going on in both of their minds.

Relationships are built on communication. Talk about your life, your feelings, and your desires. Spend time with one another or check in throughout the day. Don’t be afraid to share what you’re doing or where you are without fear of judgment. This is something that should be done to both meet needs and fulfill desires to feel loved and cared for.


When you go to a restaurant, you need to order your food. If you stay silent, your order will not be served. In the same way, if you don’t communicate your needs to your partner, your needs will not be fulfilled.


Communication is the key to a strong relationship. Always use this key to explore the full extent of relationships. The better you communicate, the stronger your relationships grow.


Have 30 minutes of time every day in the evening after work and share everything from your day, your goals and aspirations, experiences, and everything that’s really important to share.

Very soon, you will know each other deeply and build a stronger bond and trust.

In conclusion, a relationship with a partner is not always easy, but it is worthwhile.
If you keep these 7 pillars in mind, you will be on the right track to a healthy and mutually beneficial partnership.
I hope you found this article helpful in discovering what a relationship can entail.

Start building these 7 pillars in your life and take care of them every day to have a wonderful life ahead.



Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.