The fears you should have for self-growth.

Manikanta Belde
3 min readMay 26, 2020


“Fears are not good for growth, but there are certain fears that you should have and the surprising thing is these fears help you grow into a better person. You have these fears already in you and you need to activate them in you to grow further.”

Fear of diffidence: Have the fear of diffidence. Never self doubt and feel shy and don’t lose self-confidence. Your confidence helps you grow and take decisions that are effective. This same confidence allows you to take risks and move forward in life.

Without confidence you are nothing. Grow confidence in you and believe in everything you do. Believe in your ideas and actions. Believe in yourself more than anything. Believe you can do anything.

Such belief destroys diffidence in you and helps you gain self-control and self-awareness that builds self-confidence in you.

“Confidence builds you and diffidence exploits you.”

Fear of limited life: Remember that you have a very short life and if you think you have time. Think again. Time flies and you will never get it back. You need to have the fear of limited time you got.

Your life may not be enough to accomplish all your goals. Therefore, stop procrastinating and pursue your dreams with no more waiting and stop spending time on small ideas or goals. Focus on big goals.

“You have a short life. Live it to the fullest.”

Fear of not impressing self: It’s hard to impress yourself than impressing others and that’s why you impress others as it is easy. But this way you are doing self-harm.

By trying to impress others, you are living your life in the way others want and your actions are purely based on others judgment. This way, you are losing yourself and this loss may be permanent which will exploit your life.

You need to have the fear of losing yourself. Stop impressing others and start impressing yourself, which helps you live a fulfilled life. Be yourself and live the way you love.

“Impress yourself and that’s how you fall in love with yourself more deeply.”

Fear of regret: Regrets are more painful. They are painful than failures and quitting. You may not take risks in life because of your fears. But not taking a risk is the biggest risk.

If you take the risk, you may fail, but if you don’t take the risk, you will regret which is worse than failure. You need to take risks. You need to experiment with different things.

This life is short and if you keep thinking without working on your goals, you will regret your life. Have the fear of regret as it hurts you so much than anything in your ending days.

“It’s better to have failures than regrets in life.”

Fear of doing wrong: It may not be possible to be good all the time, but it’s possible to be right all the time. Most people by trying to be good to everyone, they break their morals and values and they lose their character by committing wrong to be called as good by others.

In the process, they forgot that they are becoming worse instead of good. Don’t get into such condition. People will hate you for being right, but the respect in them for you is huge.

They unconsciously like you so much. Be right all the time, even though it brings you new enemies and problems. Being right helps you maximize self-respect, which is very important for a joyful life.

“Be right all the time.”



Manikanta Belde
Manikanta Belde

Written by Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.

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