What are you thinking about, today?

Manikanta Belde
3 min readApr 19, 2020

“We think every day. We think about everything. Thinking should make you happy, but for most people, it's working the opposite. Animals are happy without thinking, but most humans don’t, which makes it worse.”

Back to the question. What are you thinking about, today? Is it about your problems? Is it about your dreams? Is it about your job? Is it about your family? Is it about your lost opportunities? Is it about nothing?

Human has this gift called thinking. This gift should bring you happiness and peace. But this is working the opposite in most lives. Instead of happiness, it’s giving sadness. Instead of peace, it’s giving confusion. Why is this happening?

We are omnipotent creatures on this earth. We have control over nature, animals and many things in this world. But still, there is no happiness and peace. It’s quite sad.

If you look at animals, they are happy and their thinking is limited and of course, our thoughts are making their lives unhappy. Our thinking is unlimited, and this may be the reason we are unhappy.

Our thinking power can make wonders and create a heaven for all of us on this earth but we are using this thinking the opposite to create blunders and make this earth a hell.

Thinking is taking over humanity. This thinking is making the survival of all creatures difficult. This thinking is making you greedy, cruel, angry, and unhappy. Your power of thinking is creating disasters that will destroy everything on this earth soon or later, including you.

Realize what you are doing to you and this world. Fix your thinking in the right direction, where your thinking gives power to humanity. The thinking that makes you kind, peaceful and happy.

Make sure that your thinking is creating and not destroying. Lose your selfishness and start thinking about the wellness of all. Your happiness is not yours. It comes from your family and society. If you make them unhappy, you get more unhappiness. If you make them happy, you get more happiness.

Think about something that makes you happy. Don’t worry about things you don’t have control over. Think and act on things you have control of. Make your mind peaceful and don’t make it a hell. If you make it a hell. Everything around you becomes part of hell, and you will hate it.

Don’t use your thinking, which is a powerful gift to mankind in a wrong way. Use it well for the sake of betterment of you and the world and this is how you live a fulfilled life.

Start thinking about positive things. Work on your dreams that can help others. Don’t have regrets. Accept and face situations instead of dwelling and suffering by thinking about situations.

Life is too short. Don’t waste it on thinking about what you can’t change. You need to move and take action and remember to use your thinking well for you and for the world.



Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.