Why Life isn’t fair?
“Life isn’t fair to anyone. It doesn’t matter what level you may be. Life will always be unfair, and there is a reason it is unfair. Understanding the reason and realizing that life is unfair helps you enjoy your life.”
Do you know anyone whose life is fair? Even if you know, is it true? Is your life fair? What is meant by life is fair? Why life isn’t fair to everyone?
Life isn’t fair to anyone and still, most people act like everything is fair in their lives and they try to smile every day and that’s a courageous act. There is something in everyone’s life that is missing and it’s the cause of worry and unhappiness.
Even your life isn’t fair as you also have something to get in your life. Life isn’t perfect. It has different flaws in different people. Some flaws are temporary and some are permanent. Few people accept their flaws and move on and few suffer because of their flaws, blaming life isn’t fair to them.
But remember, these flaws make people unique. This unfairness in life makes people hopeful. If life has given everything you wished without trying on your own.
“Your flaws make you unique. Accept them and transform them if it improves your life.”
What’s the purpose of life? What would you work for or fight for in life? How would you be active and happy in your life?
That’s the reason why life is unfair. Unfairness is not a punishment. It’s a gift for people who understand that life isn’t fair and they have to make it fair as much as possible.
They know unfairness in life is giving them a task to accomplish in their lives. They are active because of unfairness in their lives. They are not complaining. They are enjoying and accomplishing.
If you accept and habituated to unfairness in life and dwell in it. You will suffer so much every day. If you face your unfairness and do something to make it fair, you will learn important lessons that help you grow into a wise human being.
There are several things we get habituated with every day. Don’t accept life is unfair and you can’t do anything about it. Instead, grow hope and confidence to change your mindset and work on the unfairness in your life. This helps you become strong and understand life better.
This unfairness in life is like darkness in everyone’s life and some are scared of it and some learned to enjoy it by looking at it differently. When it’s night, the entire world looks like it’s covered with darkness, which is not true.
People who are desperate about life see darkness and the people who are hopeful look at the stars in the sky that are shining and enjoy the beauty of darkness.
“Don’t get habituated to unfairness in life if you don’t want to suffer. Try to transform that unfairness to fairness, to live a happy life.”
In the same way, people who are desperate are scared of life when it is unfair and people who are hopeful enjoy life more when it is unfair.
You need to realize that unfairness in life gives you hope and work to stay active without becoming lazy and losing yourself, which is more harmful than unfairness in life.
“A fair life is more harmful than an unfair life.”
Realize that darkness in life shows light. Without darkness (unfairness) you will never know the importance of light. You may be desperate about your life now. But moving on in your life will help you remove this desperateness.
You may have asked yourself — “Why isn’t my life fair? Why is this happening to me? Why am I suffering from these problems?” and what happened after these thoughts? Did you feel happy? No.
Instead, you would have questioned differently — “Why isn’t my life fair and how can I fix it? This is happening to me and there is a lesson I Can learn from this situation and I Am getting so many problems and it’s okay they make me strong.” and thus you would have understood unfairness is also important in life.
Realize that bad times and unfairness in life will not be there forever. They all pass away like moving clouds. The important thing is to stay strong in all situations without losing hope. This is how you prove life that you are stronger than your problems, flaws, and unfairness in life.
“Remember to enjoy even dark times of your life. They have valuable lessons for a joyful life.”
Life is not fair to everyone, and it’s alright. Realize this unfairness is useful for growth and success and move ahead.