Why should you fix your thinking, not your problems?
“You fix your thinking, then your problems fix themselves.”
There is no organism on this little planet that doesn’t have a problem. Problems come to everyone and most of us have experienced them at some point in our lives. The extent of suffering depends on the extent of importance you give to a problem. Therefore no problem is so big. It’s only your thinking that is too small. This way you become inferior and your problem becomes superior over you.
“Either you are superior or your problems, but not both.”
This is the reason why you need to fix your thinking first. This helps you stay superior over your problems. It helps you think clearly and solve any problem in an effective way. The problem with most people is they try to measure the size of a problem without realizing that it has no form. This is how they create mental illusions that rule your life.
The process of fixing the problem is a time-consuming process. It’s all about breaking the regular mindset you use towards a problem. Once you fix your thinking, you never need to worry about your problems, as your mindset itself fixes your problems automatically.
If you have a problem, there is a solution too. The only thing you need to do is find out how. The effectiveness of the solution depends on the mindset you have.
The ways to fix your thinking towards problems are:
- Respond instead of reacting: You need to practice responding to your problems and stop reacting to them. You need to understand the problem and try finding solutions and this way you think clearly and suffer less for your problems.
“Respond instead of reacting.”
- Exercise and Mediate: For building a long term mindset. You need to keep your mind undisturbed and undistracted. Therefore indulge yourself in exercising and meditating every day for sometime.
- Read every day: Start reading every day something Inspirational or something that’s positive for your mind. It may even few minutes but read. Follow this every day. This helps you understand others' views and sometimes your solutions for problems are given by books. When you read your experience and understand others' lives. This way you stay mentally strong.
- Trick yourself: Trick yourself by telling your mind that the problem is not yours but someone else’s. Now ask for a solution. Sometimes you are good at giving advice to others than self. So try this trick.
- Help others: Solve other’s problems. Help them in solving the problems. This way you experience other’s problems and you will be an expert at solving problems. One more good thing is you stay stable and confident when you face the same problem that you helped with.
Having the right mindset is a great asset. With the right mindset, you can do wonders. The right mindset gives you unlimited happiness. Therefore build the right mindset before becoming anything.