Manikanta Belde
2 min readJan 23, 2020

Why should you stop looking at the results?

“The more you look at the results, the more you may get uninspired, when results are not as expected,”.

Each one of us start a work expecting something from it and mostly we all expect great results. These expectations fill us with energy at the start and that energy gets decreased as you move on in the process and don’t see results as expected.

Sometimes success won’t happen in the time limit you have set and it may take more time and you need to wait until you get results, you expected.

If you want fast results, you will lose your interest in the work and may quit. So never look for fast results.

“Concentrate on the process not on the results. Improve your process and results will be on the way.”

The effects of looking for fast results are:

  • You get uninspired if results are not as expected.
  • You may quit the work unfinished as you are uninspired.
  • You will waste time and energy.
  • You will fail and won’t learn anything.
  • You will not enjoy the process.
  • You will regret quitting.

Fast results aren’t real and any work it may be, you need to work hard and have a lot of patience and determination. This helps you worry less about results.

Mostly results are monetary or materialistic and therefore they happen externally and you don’t have control over them.

You only have control over the process. You have control over what happens inside you. Your results should not affect what happens inside you. It should not affect your passion, interest, happiness or peace.

“Therefore, don’t concentration on results but concentrate on process and always stay mentally stable.”

The ways to stop looking at results:

  • Concentrate on process and improve it as much as possible.
  • Learn continuously and gain expertise and it will help you accomplish work with expected results.
  • Realise that patience it must and therefore don’t take fast decisions. Wait longer than you expected.
  • Keep doing your work, thinking it is part of your daily routine or as your hobby.
  • Have fun and keep learning by treating work as a game.
  • Always give importance to the inner side of you and believe me your feelings and beliefs are more important than results.
  • Remember that situations are not as expected all the time and therefore results are.

Keep doing what you love and do more by gaining necessary skills and mindset and stop worrying about results.

If you gain expertise in the game of success by building a right mindset, you will gain success, you imagined soon or later. You need to stay determined and keep doing your work and have patience as much as possible.

All the best.

Manikanta Belde
Manikanta Belde

Written by Manikanta Belde

📚 Author: Wrote and published 10+ books 🔥Entrepreneur: Established several online and offline businesses 👨‍💻Life coach: Helped people get better.

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