You must learn to say ‘NO’.
“Most people stuck in thinking and in decision making as they cannot say NO. You should learn to say No, even though it hurts.”
Why many stuck in the wrong relationship? Why many stuck in the wrong jobs they hate? Why many do acts they hate in life?
The answer to all these questions is they don’t know how to say ‘No’. That’s the reason they accept everything that comes into their life. If you really don’t want it, just say no and reject it. It may hurt others but be genuine.
“Saying Yes is easy, but saying No takes courage.”
Say No in a way that they don’t hurt much. Don’t be a conditional thinker. Why we say yes to many things in life is, we expect that others will be useful to us in some way and we fear that they may not help us when we are in need. Stop this kind of conditional thinking.
The reason we accept a wrong relationship or a wrong job is we lack self-confidence. You need to grow self-confidence first and never feel inferior. Self-awareness is the key to unlock your confidence. Know your worth and improve yourself to meet your expectations.
“When you are saying yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.” — Paulo Coelho
This way you will understand what is right for you and you will have clarity, whether to say yes or no. Sometimes we don’t have time for others as we are occupied with so many things already. But to prevent others from being hurt, we say yes and we suffer and fail in helping them. Therefore, tell them you are occupied and you can’t take it.
“It comes from saying No to 1000 things to make sure we don’t get on the wrong track or try to do too much.” — Steve jobs
If you don’t like it, don’t do it. Don’t suffer doing what you hate. Learn the art of saying No. Saying yes is easy, but saying ‘No’ needs courage. Especially to someone we know.
When someone asks you for a favor and you are already occupied. Then tell them that you are occupied with work and say sorry for not being able to help them and tell them you will get back to them once you become free.
“Don’t say maybe if you want to say no.” — Ryan holiday
During salary negotiation for a job, if that salary doesn’t meet your expectations. Tell them ‘No’ for the offer and tell them you are expecting more. Most people who attend interviews accept the salary even though they are not happy with it. Don’t do the mistake by saying yes. Explain to them why you deserve more and the first thing is to believe in yourself strongly.
Even in relationships, if you have to say No. Just say it. Don’t fake a relationship as it gives you more pain and also hurts deeper.
Saying No takes great courage, and this helps us free ourselves from unnecessary in life and makes living simple and clear.
Learn to say ‘No’ even to your bad habits, negative thoughts, and toxic people in life. Life becomes pure and valuable when ugly is taken away from it.
Don’t say Yes to whatever comes into your life. Filter them and take what’s necessary for your life and Say ‘No’ to remaining things.
“Remember a weak mind says ‘Yes' to most things and a strong mind says ‘No' to many things.”
Say No and free yourself from all unnecessary in life.